Healing Art Constellations

Kate Campbell MFA

‘What does our heart listen to?
It listens to the rhythm of life and the rhythm of love.
It receives its pulse from this beat.

When we are attuned, we hear this rhythm with our heart;
we resonate in harmony with it.’
~Bert Hellinger

Healing art constellations invite a return to innocence through creativity and change. There is a process which gently brings the individual, the family, and the group to understand one another. The individual observes patterns (usually hidden) in her/his/their relationships that consistently block progress. Artistic expression and / or group representation clarifies our reaction to specific, difficult life events. The experience is usually cathartic. The accompanying epiphany has a ripple effect on all who are part of the individual's family and group system. This stimulates growth beyond self and societal limiting beliefs.

What is a family constellation?
Everyone is born into a family system. It has gone before and will be passed on after one dies. The family is a constellation of people and family events, which create a unique dynamic. Each individual relates to this system in their own way. In a family constellation the facilitator uses tools, such as an artistic process, to represent the part of the family, which is not functioning to its fullest potential. This is acknowledged, accepted, and with healing statements, growth follows.

What is a healing art constellation?
Kate Campbell has developed family constellations using the creative process to open the door to the the deeper streams of an individual's psyche. She facilitates the creative voice with visual art and words, poetry to reveal inherent personal dynamics. People learn about themselves and their gifts, while finding fresh ways to relate to their families and their group.

We start with a theme, and paint, collage, write, choreograph it from different perspectives. The honest act of creation launches what we need to review which comes to a crescendo in the constellation process. Eventually, we unite with others as we understand our own issue as part of a larger family dynamic and universal pattern.

What are we looking for?
Relief from an issue that has been troubling us. Everything belongs in a healing art constellation; all of it. Rage, delight, fear, euphoria, hate, compassion, alienation, community, anxiety, exuberance, depression, happiness, illness, vibrancy, shame, vulnerability and so on. All these emotions, these mental states are reinforced by patterns of behavior. When we alter the pattern the emotional timbre lifts. Humans search for answers in cycles. Constellations zoom in on the specific question to enable resolution.

Our common desire to heal generates trust. We drop our beautifully developed personalities, and slip gently into a soul level. We respond to a person's core and a connection with their family system. The issue we wish to relinquish is embedded in time. It has been locked in our past and in our family's history. We see, feel, and understand it is the root of our pain. In the constellation the hold it has over us is released.

There is a tangible euphoria and compassion generated during a healing art constellation circle. Lifting the veil, which obscures our vision is as liberating as it is humbling. I love sharing the experience with you!

Kate Campbell MFA

My work expresses my inward journey with an awe for natural beauty in our living world. Beauty, which arises from meditative depths exemplified in the 'wings' collection (heavenward) and ecstatic heights (embrace). The multiplicity of evolving biological forms in Nature is astounding. Too, the terrible beauty felt in tragic patterns of human behavior (perpetrator victim 1, 2 ). Ideas emerge in the mind's eye, develop in sketches, and inevitably take on their own life in the sculpture.

I have always found birds fascinating. The obvious metaphor of flight and freedom is beneath the surface in 'wings' collection: spiritual flight and creative freedom. Each piece represents a particular emotional experience towards these aspirations. Some experiences are far from free; the process of creating them is liberating.

'heart petals' collection represents our human heart which evolves as we grow, opening, reaching out, bursting with energy. Several pieces may be set up as fountains to delight the eye with the constant watery flow over colorful, glazed ceramics. Each is a moment in time implying timelessness.

'energy in form' series is expressionistic, metaphoric, and abstract. (aqua sway) and (whorl) evoke energy rising while also mimicking waves in the ocean. Speed and power represented in (grace) and (play) takes us through the horse's paces. Might and agility in the largest mammal on earth, the Antarctic blue whale, is embodied in ( ocean blues), (midnight swim) and others. Capturing movement in silent 3D is as exciting as it is fascinating.


September 2023
self portrait, 2003
Kate camping, 2020
Artist Statement imageArtist Statement image
  • Eagles Nest, CA, USA
  • Kate also offers private and group art classes: <br><a href="https://lessons.com/ca/san-diego/painting-classes/" target="_blank"><img src="//cdn.lessons.com/assets/images/tmp/lessons-2019.png" width="150"></a><br>


Series of Six Healing Art Constellations, 2020

This series of six Healing Art Constellations Circles is a Learning Group. Commitment creates quality healing work developed together across six months. The benefits of working in a group are wonderful: trust and confidence, elevated learning, and true friendships. This healing modality is most engaging and elevating. Healthy change arises that is unaccountably valuable. Insights gained inspire growth in participants’ and their families’ lives. It’s liberating, often cathartic and flourishes across time. January 25, Family of Origin: Mother / Father, Parentage; February 29, Ancestry: Parents, Grandparents, Greats; March 28, Culture: Siblings, Society, Work relations; April 25, Epigenetics: History, Religion, Race; May 23, Internal Health; June 20, Chakras and Spiritual Goals / Composite Self: Inner Child, Adaptive Self, Adult.


Parents, Ancestors and before 1:00 - 3:00 pm

February 29th Ocean Lane / Carnation Avenue, Imperial Beach, CA Attendance includes: participation in phenomenal event, witness and representation in constellations, and participation in dyad / triad constellation. Random Short constellations. Time allocated for personal constellations with priority to HAC Group participants . Please book yours:) Text 310 890 3320


Full Constellation

Full Constellation includes: preparatory Q & A by email or phone, personal constellation facilitated with representation from attendees, participation in creative art and group constellations. Attendance in Person, by Zoom or WhattsApp.


Personal Constellation Online

Zoom Personal Constellation includes: preparatory Q & A by email or phone, prearranged date and time for 1 - 1 1/2 hours in a zoom conference and follow up council when requested. There is a choice between facilitation with a/ a creative art process; b/ interplay of representative figurines; c/ arrangement of representative symbols on google slides. During the ongoing pandemic there is also the option to work in an online zoom room with representatives.


Remembering our Ancestors

SUNDAY, October 25th, 1:30 - 5:00pm at Blue Heron Portal Studio, 333A Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach CA 92651 HEALING ART CONSTELLATIONS bring our attention to the past, so we can walk more fully into the present. This particular group give attendees the opportunity to value and represent relationships with deceased loved ones.


Sliding scale available according to your income. Please contact me!

Contact Kate @ katherinebell77@gmail.com

Contact Kate before the date to request a sliding scale price. No person turned away for lack of funds.

Date and time: Saturdays, January 25, February 29, March 28, April 25, May 23, June 20 @ 10am - 1:30pm

Healing Art Constellations

Focus on individual work, within the family system, relationships, core issues, cultural, historical impact. Reaching out movement and patterns through the generations.


Before, After image
Ask yourself and consider:
What is the issue, situation or problem about which you would like some resolution?
What goal do you have for the outcome of the constellation?

The following questions are intended to jog your memory about important events that may have shaped and affected your family system. Character and personal interests are not useful in this work. Events, which have an impact on the lives of the people involved, do have significance.  
PRESENT FAMILY: spouse, siblings, children, former partners and children from former marriages/ relationships.
FAMILY of ORIGIN: your siblings, parents, uncles & aunts, grandparents, and in memorable or tragic cases, great grandparents, and premarital partners.

Is there anything that happened in your present family or your family of origin that was tragic or unusual?  (a family story which goes back generations is relevant)
Did or does  anyone in your family...
* die at a young age?
* die or experience danger during childbirth (grandmother, great grandmothers)?
* suffer from illness or disability from giving birth or other incidence?
* suffer excessive stress or mental illness?                                  * attempt or commit suicide?    
* die in action or kill others as a result of war?                             * experience living in a war zone?
* experience torture?                                                                         * experience emotional or physical abuse?
* other?

 Did or does anyone in your family...  
* have a stillborn baby or vanishing twin?                                    * have an abortion or miscarriage?
* have an ‘illegitimate’ child?                                                          * have a child given up for adoption?
* have a former spouse, fiancé, love partner?                             * have a serious or long lasting illness?
* have a physical or mental disability?                                         * become a missing person?
* commit a crime or war crime?                                                    * survive or not the Holocaust?
* join the clergy or monastery?                                                      * emigrate to another country?
* experience prejudice?                                                                   * lose their fortune?
* feel like the ‘black sheep’ of the family?                                    * feel ostracized?
* suffer consistent prejudice?
* other?

Did or does anyone experience important events...  
* a traumatic birth (a Caesarian, an induction, a super long labor)?
* a separation from mother at a young age?
* a traumatic childhood experience (abuse, war, abject poverty)?
* run away from home for a long time?
* a life threatening accident or a natural disaster?
* a grueling divorce?
* other?      

By participating in a constellation, we most likely have received new insights, healing images, and a feeling for the soul's language. This work has a deep impact on the soul and may give our lives a new direction. It’s important to accept and balance the benefits of the work, which takes time.  Be patient. The persona’s mind thinks quickly. The soul moves more slowly. Its advisable to think less about the change brought about in the Knowing Field. We want to understand what happened, of course. Beyond that, the best approach is to allow the movement of the soul.

People process in different ways:
*  In a quiet, sacred space at home or in nature, sit with the process. Remember what occurred during the constellation and actively receive it. Welcome the new information into your being. With as much ease as possible let the pain go. It is usual to feel ‘worse’ as the full depth of an experience opens up. This fosters complete acknowledgement and finally healing.  
*  Light a candle, and looking into the flame recall the meaningful moments during the constellation. Open your heart to their import.
Write a poem, paint, sing a song, which captures the essence of the experience. Capture the feeling and the message.
*  Be gentle. Soak in a bath with Epsom and salts. Take a shower and wash away anything, which doesn’t belong to you. Cleanse and refresh yourself.
*  Meditate on the constellation to glean what is vital and transcendent. Bring your attention to the healing, revealing, and liberating aspects of the constellation.
*  Take a walk in nature, by the ocean, in the hills, in a park. Let the images, which arise from the constellation repeat, belong and speak to you. Some parts will fade. This is normal.
*   Before sleep, ask to continue the work of the constellation in your dreams, and for resolution to be nurtured.

It may be helpful to call your facilitator, me, after a constellation. I will not explain what happened but guide the process for you to benefit from the profound shift in perspective. As much as possible, welcome in the new, however unfamiliar and strange it may seem. Then real change may take place. It is recommended that we do not talk about our constellation work for at least 40 days to let it "take root" inside us, allowing it to grow stronger. When you do talk about it remember to reflect on the resolution rather than any conflict that may have arisen to reassert the growth in your soul.

What are Systemic Family Constellations

The unique constellation of children, parents, grandparents, siblings, step-relatives, ancestors make up a family system. Bert Hellinger developed a therapeutic modality in which family relationships  are represented as they are perceived and as they may be perceived for greater overall health. A constellation demonstrates an organic system in which each member belongs, and has their rightful place.

What are Healing Art Constellations?

Healing Art Constellations are a creative process in which the unique arrangement of component parts are placed in relationship to one another and the whole. An art work,  a family, a relationship, an illness, a business organization are examples which are facilitated to reveal hidden dynamics. Seeing, understanding , accepting what is brings  new perspective and potential growth.

What do reprentatives do in a constellation?

Representatives are selected to attune to a person or thing. They sense in their body what is occurring. They may feel emotions and think thoughts generated by the client's issue and the part of it they represnt. They are largely silent and move slowly on a soul level, presenting vital information for the client.  

Who has a constellation facilitated?

People, who have a recurring problem, issue, or conflict in their lives ask to have a constellation facilitated. It may be about relationships, health, business concerns, creativity, communication, emotional stability, including addiction and nervous disorders.

Where do Systemic Constellations originate?

Bert Hellinger was a psychotherapist who began facilitating structural constellations in Germany in the 1990's. They dervived from his experiences as a Jesuit priest, his exposure to the Zulu ancestral culture, and his study of psychoanalysis, in particular Family Systems Therapy in the US. Family Constellations have evolved  and deepened as an adjunct to therapy, self-knowledge, and soul awareness over the last three decades in Western Europe, Mexico, the US and beyond.

What special skills does one need to attend?

There aren't any special skills required to attend a systemic or a healing art constellation. Honest intention and an open mind are enough to cultivate what is known as the knowing field or the morphogenetic field. These terms convey the recognition on a cellular level of clients, representatives and the relationships they bring to the constellation..

How many constellations does one need to attend?

It is a personal matter how many and how often one has a constellation facilitated. One person may find great insight from one constellation, their life improves and they move on. Another person may return many times and represent to learn more about the inner workings of human systems. A third person may have many constellations facilitated to grow beyond a traumatic childhood.

What's the Art part in Healing Art Constellations?

Art is used in different ways in a constellation as a doorway for the psyche. Painting, drawing, poetry on a theme are created. Aspects of these are then represented to reveal the hidden dynamics of the artists' intention.

Art that is in process may be facilitated to move beyond an impasse, such as writer's block.

Art that has been completed may be represented to understand its meaning on a deeper level.

What are other resources?

​​Bert Hellinger
Francesca Mason Boring http://www.allmyrelationsconstellations.com
Jane Peterson
Joanne Chartrand & Dyrian Benz